The Full Story
Steven Félix-Jäger is associate professor of theology & worship, chair of worship & media, and director of academic research at Life Pacific University. A theologian, exhibiting artist, songwriter, and producer, Félix-Jäger is also the author or co-author of eight books and of numerous scholarly journal articles about art, aesthetics, worship, and theology. He has served in various ministerial capacities, and is passionate about engaging culture theologically, especially as it pertains to the church. He is biracial (Puerto Rican and German) and was born on the mission field in Schillingsfürst, Germany before moving to the US at a young age. He currently lives in Southern California with his wife Connie, daughter Mila, and dog Biggie.

Curriculum Vita
Academic Disciplines: Theological Aesthetics, Pentecostal Theology, Public Theology, Christian Ministries, Worship Studies, the Arts
2023 | Harvard University, Graduate Certificate in Philosophy and Ethics
2014 | University of Wales (UK), PhD in Theology
2017 | Azusa Pacific University, MFA in Visual Art
2010 | Southeastern University, MA in Ministerial Leadership
2007 | Florida Southern College, BA in Theological Studies and Studio Art (double major)
Professional Experience:
2018-Present | Assoc. Prof. of Theology & Worship, Chair of Worship & Media, Director of Academic Research, Life Pacific University
2019-Present | Adj. Asst. Prof. of Theology and Culture, Fuller Theological Seminary
2010-2020 | Adj. Prof. of Theology, Southeastern University
2018-2019 | Adj. Prof. of Fine Art, California Baptist University
2017-2018 | Adj. Prof. of Theology, Pentecostal Theological Seminary
2014-2017 | Adj. Prof. of Humanities, Polk State College
Ministerial Experience:
Licensed Minister with the Foursquare Church
2010-2017 | Contemporary Worship Leader & Director of Youth Ministry, Beymer Memorial United Methodist Church (Winter Haven, FL)
2008-2010 | Youth Pastor and Worship Leader, Edgewood Baptist Church (Lakeland, FL)
2005-2006 | Youth Pastor, St. Luke’s Presbyterian Church (Titusville, FL)
Félix-Jäger, Steven. How to Worship for All Its Worth. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Academic (Forthcoming), 2026.
Félix-Jäger, Steven. The Problem & Promise of Freedom: A Public Theology for the Church. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic (forthcoming), 2025.
Félix-Jäger, Steven and Yoon Shin. Renewing Christian Worldview: A Holistic Approach for Spirit-Filled Christians. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2023.
Félix-Jäger, Steven. Renewal Worship: A Theology of Pentecostal Doxology. Grand Rapids: IVP Academic, 2022.
Félix-Jäger, Steven. Art Theory for a Global Pluralistic Age: The Glocal Artist. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.
Félix-Jäger, Steven. Spirit of the Arts: Towards a Pneumatological Aesthetics of Renewal. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.
Félix-Jäger, Steven. With God On Our Side: Towards a Transformational Theology of Rock and Roll. Eugene: Wipf and Stock, 2017.
Félix-Jäger, Steven. Pentecostal Aesthetics: Theological Reflections in a Pentecostal Philosophy of Art and Aesthetics. Leiden: Brill Academic, 2015.
Edited Volumes
Green, Chris E.W. and Steven Félix-Jäger, Eds. The Spirit & the Sketch: Pneumatological Reflections on Visual Art. Lanham: Fortress Academic, (forthcoming) 2026.
Green, Chris E.W. and Steven Félix-Jäger, Eds. The Spirit & the Song: Pneumatological Reflections on Popular Music. Lanham: Fortress Academic, 2024.
Green, Chris E.W. and Steven Félix-Jäger, Eds. The Spirit & the Screen: Pneumatological Reflections on Contemporary Cinema. Lanham: Fortress Academic, 2023.